Migration from archive to full node

Describes the steps involved to migrate from archive to full node

Rollup node operators can reduce storage cost by changing the type of rollup node. An archive node stores the full state history for each block since genesis block. In contrast, a full node stores the state only for the recent 128 blocks. Therefore, moving from archive node to full node will significantly reduces the storage needs for running rollup nodes.

To migrate the rollup node from archive node to full node, take the following steps:

  1. Stop the current rollup node. Change current working directory to the root of setup-rollup repository.

cd setup-rollup
docker compose down
  1. In geth.yml, change --gcmode from archive to full node.

  1. Resume the rollup node

docker compose up -d

Your rollup node should be up now. It will garbage collect the states older than 128 blocks.

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