This page holds all the papers published by our research team
Last updated 8 months ago
Proof of Backhaul: Decentralized speedtests for backhaul
Decentralised speed-test which can be used by a “payer” to determine the backhaul capacity of a “prover” with the help of a pool of “challengers” who send the challenge traffic to the prover.
Proof of Location:
Byzantine fortified trigonometric proof of location protocol using internet delays
Decentralised protocol to verify the geographical locations of IP addresses using Internet delay measurements, enhancing accuracy and Byzantine resistance.
Proof of Diligence: Cryptoeconomic security for rollups
Protocol that requires watchtowers to continuously provide a proof that they have verified L2 assertions and get rewarded for the same.
Proof of Service: Two sided measurements
Applying two sided measurements to enable decentralized slicing marketplace and contract-free roaming