Getting Started
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The pre-login and login APIs are crucial for the security and functionality of the Proof of Bandwidth or Proof of Location system. The APIs handles initial authentication steps, like generating session tokens and validating access. These APIs are foundational for safeguarding the prover's information and controlling system access, ensuring only authenticated users can interact with critical resources
Start the process by performing a pre-login and login request
Note: The {proof_type}
parameter is crucial in all API requests and must be set to one of the following values:
(Proof of Location)
(Proof of Bandwidth)
Be sure to specify the appropriate value based on the context of your proof request.
After the result is obtained, the /login api needs to be invoked
Refer to the following chain parameters to trigger a on-chain submitRequest
Chain ID
Chain Kind
Polygon CDK (Validium)
Chain RPC
Chain Block Explorer
Contract Address Proxy to interact to initiate a on-chain challenge
Function to invoke
Parameters to pass to submitRequest - timeout - attributeIDs - challengeInfo
Contract ABI
We also have a sample script written in Python, to trigger a PoL or a PoB challenge.
Pass the challenge-id obtained in the previous step to the challenge-request-dcl API
One can monitor the status of the challenge to obtain the results using the challenge-status-dcl API
For PoB, For PoL,
This API is to be called before logging in.
It will return a 'message' that has to be signed and sent to '/login' API.
This will also create a cookie;
hence the '/login' API must be called in a session.
The key used for login
NOTE: when using 'ethereum' the 'publicKey = Address'
The key-type of publicKey.
As of now these are supported keyTypes:
1. solana
2. ethereum
, solana
The role the user intends to play after login:
1. prover
User who wants to prove what it offers to the network.
Example: 'bandwidth', 'latency', 'disk', 'cpu' etc.
2. challenger
User who wants to challenge a 'prover'
and earn rewards.
3. payer
An abstract entity/user who pays
and requests for a challenge.
A payer could be:
the 'prover' itself, other users, or the blockchain.
, challenger
, payer
If the user is also part of another blockchain project/app,
then the project-name/app-name can be provided here.
e.g. "filecoin", "filecoin-station", "oort", etc.
publicKey of the user associated with the
'projectName' blockchain project/app.
All claims.
claims is dependent on proof_type,
For pob it is:
uplink_bandwidth : Float; // The upload bandwidth in Mbps
downlink_bandwidth : Float; // The downlink bandwidth in Mbps
for pol it is:
country : String; // The 2 letter country code : e.g. US
city : String; // e.g. Austin
region : String; // e.g. Texas
latitude : Float,
longitude : Float,
radius : Float, // in KMs - with latitude, longitude as the center
This API logs in the user.
The user should send the 'message' that was received during the '/pre-login';
and must sign the 'message' using privateKey.
And send it in the 'signature' field.
The cookies that were received after calling '/pre-login' API.
The signature afer signing the 'message' with the 'privateKey'.
The signature can be created using MetaMask/Phantom wallet.
These signatures are generated through certain wallets/APIs.
1. Wallets in browser (Metamask / Phantom)
2. Dart
3. Python
in Python it can be created as:
from eth_account.messages import encode_defunct
from eth_account import Account
msg="<Message received from the pre-login response>"
signature = sign(msg)
def sign(msg):
# Hexadecimal key (private key)
key = "<Your-Private-Key>"
# Create the message hash
msghash = encode_defunct(text=msg)
# Sign the message
signature = Account.sign_message(msghash, key)
return "0x" + signature.signature.hex()
Request to create a new challenge using DCL contracts.
Before calling this api 'submitRequest()' smart contract must be called.
And the 'challenge_id' after calling the 'submitRequest' must be provided.
The cookies that were received after calling '/login' API.
The challenge_id that was generated after calling the
DCL 'submitRequest' smart contract.
Get the status of a given DCL challenge.
The cookies that were received after calling '/login' API.
The challenge_id that was generated after calling the
DCL 'submitRequest' smart contract.