Wallet Setup

Follow the steps here to add tFIL or WIT testnet token and view your rewards

Goerli testnet

1. Install Metamask : Please follow the download/installation directions on https://metamask.io/

2. Add Goerli testnet to your Metamask Wallet Account (After logging in)

Use the same wallet account that you have used while setting up the challenger client (challenger.json)

2a. You can visit https://chainlist.org/chain/5 and click Connect Wallet and add Goerli testnet to your wallet account

3. After adding the network, import WIT testnet token into your wallet

Token Account Address: 0x6C7E247EfB4B30A112E5C292e8906041fc94B103

Token Symbol: WIT

FileCoin Calibration testnet

1. Install Metamask : Please follow the download/installation directions on https://metamask.io/

2. Add FileCoin Calibration test network to your Metamask Wallet Account (After logging in)

Use the same wallet account that you have used while setting up the challenger client (challenger.json)

2a. You can visit https://chainlist.org/chain/314159 and click Connect Wallet and add FileCoin Calibration testnet to your wallet account

3. After adding the network, import WIT testnet token into your wallet

Token Account Address: 0x66EEF07c3CDA2e394d70108F0e775CE585a2D51e

Token Symbol: WIT

FileCoin Hyperspace testnet (discontinued)

Please dont use the Hyperspace testnet post Jun 1 2023

1. Install Metamask : Please follow the download/installation directions on https://metamask.io/

2. Add FileCoin Hypersace test network to your Metamask Wallet Account (After logging in)

Use the same wallet account that you have used while setting up the challenger client (challenger.json)

2a. You can visit https://chainlist.org/chain/3141 and click Connect Wallet and add FileCoin Hypersace test network network to your wallet account


2b. You can add it manually based on the below given steps

3. After adding the network, import WIT testnet token into your wallet

Token Account Address: 0xf203C9091dc25d57976a0b03C9d6E9A0E391f857

Token Symbol: WIT

More details https://hyperspace.filfox.info/en/address/0xf203C9091dc25d57976a0b03C9d6E9A0E391f857

Congratulations ! You can now view the WIT testnet tokens or tFIL testnet tokens that you receive as part of the challenges that you participate

Last updated